Saturday, June 5, 2010

We are getting settled

We are getting more comfortable navigating Paris and figuring things out. This morning we bought a new camera at BHV - a huge 7 floor department store with everything. We are charging the battery now. We walked over to the Left Bank and up Boulvard St Germain. Very pricey, stylish stores. Who has the money to buy this stuff? Then we walked through the Latin Quarter - more our style - and visited St. Sulpice, a very dark cathedral with 3 murals by Delacroix. Most interesting is that St. Sulpice has a display with a copy of the Shroud of Turin. I have to research why this is? Was it kept there at some point? Here is a link for more information about St. Sulpice: - but nothing about Shroud of Turin.

We negotiated a grocery store - now have milk and cereal - and a drug store - now have ointment for a sore on Phillip's neck. We can walk back to the apartment from Notre Dame without looking at a map. Phillip is sound asleep, watching a Chinese martial art movie in French.

The apartment building has a small central court yard, you can almost touch the windows of the apartment across from us. There is someone in the apartment right across from us who periodically laughs and screams hysterically and uncontrollably. It definitely isn't a normal sound. It seems like a child. I am dying to see who the person is. I guess I have to find out how to ask "what's going on?" in French. I hope I run into the people that live in that apartment.

1 comment:

  1. qu'est-ce que c'est? what is this....


    We love you-- Wendy
